Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just added a few new games here!

I'm a game freak (...okay, I'm just a freak in general, but you get the idea), and I know this page is littered with games.  I just added some of my all-time favorites:  Simon, Frogger, and Pac-Man.  I should probably have all of these games grouped together...but whatever -- that's why it's called Bijou Sweeney's MADNESS, not Bijou Sweeney's Neat Tidy Organized Portfolio.

If you have a slow internet connection, the games might be choppy.  If it's too much of an issue (especially with the page loading), let me know, and I'll axe some of 'em.

1 comment:

  1. haha, keep up the madness [down with the neat and organised portfolio !]

    i lavv pac-mannn :]
