Thursday, April 21, 2011

Enter the Machines...4/21 and the end of life as we know it O_O

According to the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles tv show, Skynet became self-aware at 8:11pm Tuesday, 4/19/11, and will begin the global attack today (4/21/11).  There's even a FB page dedicated to it ^_^.

PhotobucketAs many others have said, I for one welcome our AI overlords, and plan to see if they can do something about this TS3 Forum business.  Maybe they'll come out with a kick ass new EP, or a reeeeeally sweet SP.  Being that yesterday was 4/20, a lot of people won't really care too much...lots of folks still in a bit of a 'foggy haze' today heh, ^_^  buuut I'm getting a few signs/posters ready for the big willkommen.  Signs and beer and yummy yummy nachos.  And gummy Nerds.  And Doritos!!  And...chocolate bars...and queso & guac.  Oh man and like one of those Edward's Key Lime pies, and piiiiizzzaaaa with Wing Stop wings & blu cheese dip.  And Wing Stop's cheese is sooo good...and my kingodom for some Now&Laters...

I need to go eat - can't welcome the overlords on an empty tummy o_O

And if you don't know what the hell I'm going on about...disregard this post but REMEMBER - resistance is futile. ;)


  1. Yeah I'm soooooo lost. Is there going to be a massive robot attack or somewhat? This really doesn't make me feel any better since my bf wanted to go on all last night about Aliens, Extra-Dimensional beings and crap. *sigh*

  2. Terminator says that was TODAY? Sweeet :P I watched that series with my family on DVD. The end was like GAH! WHY?! WHY NOW?! WHY COULDN'T YOU WAIT ANOTHER FREAKING SEASON!

  3. Heehee, Chi, it's a Terminator reference...actually my ol' man reminded me about it!

    So far, no apocalypse...whiiiiich I guess is a good thing...would've been cool to see the Machines up close & personal-like tho >.>

  4. bahahahaha xD im hungry now. thanks! :P

  5. lol so forgot about that, ah well the end didn't happen. And by the way nice new look, I haven't checked you out in ages, @_@ my bad. Miss ya heaps Cel.

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